All the best for the New Year my fellow bloggers and visitors! Thanks for your support in 2006 and I hope you'll continue to stick around for even more exciting posts in 2007!
Model Trains = Fishtanks but cooler
[image: narita express train]
Having a model train set and a miniature railroad is so soothing. It’s kind
of like why people have fish tanks but cooler! T...
★ On Becoming 29…
As I reflect on the last year in my 20s, I can’t help but feel grateful for
all the opportunities and growth that I’ve had. I noted last year that if I
Back To School For Meeeeee!
I've been out of academia for almost a decade. Just saying that makes me
feel like an old woman. But earlier this year, I sent in my application to
study f...
Like a bad horror movie pt1
Been So Long
Current mood: Moody
*Category:* Life
Wow, I haven't written a blog in forever and a day. I almost forgot
completely that I had a blog, tha...
Found this paragraph written but never posted from two years back and I
think it relates to this story (I had promised to keep this to myself cause
*Dear Readers,*
*I been struggling with what to do wid dis blog for quite some time. Ever
since it come to me notice dat people use it for research for bo...
New Year: Who dis?
Over the years (since I started this blog in 2007) my ability to compose
content on a consistent basis has been ...well... sporadic and quite
inconsistent ...
Getting a Bail Bond in Richmond VA
Getting a Bail Bond Richmond VA is very similar with other jail. When an
arrest is followed by a charge of crime, the lag between the arrest and the
Break-Ins and Murder
It's been so long that I couldn't even remember my password but the
password gods smiled at me and granted me entry.
Happy New Year to any remaining reade...
And then...
You reach a point when you realise you don't actually care that much
I can feel the indifference becoming stronger.
This is good
My Favourite Lie
My favourite lie, is a simple line
It involves no gimmicks, takes no time
It's execution needs only a smile
A twinkling eye; a touch so kind
A text, fullsto...
Bob is Just Musician.
Bob is Just Musician You want see the light, yuh call di electrician You
want “people-ticks”, yuh call Politician Some people think Bob is just
New year, same direction
"Like a raft or ruderless boat" was the title of my first post(and as of
now not my only post) for the year. I had intended to talk about my general
lack o...
Live Your Life Like You're Playing Mas
After years of dreaming about it, I finally crossed out a bucket list item
and played mas in Trinidad. The experience was revolutionizing. First off
it nev...
A Country Wedding
On May 27th 2011 I got an anonymous call asking about my photography-
Conversation soon continued & I was praised over the Simplicity of my work
& the Nat...
13 commented:
Happy New Year Stunny Bunny! Okay, that was corny, but I'll probably be a lot more corny in 07.
thank you thank you
happy new year to you too
may you enjoy peace and health in your home, prosperity in your pocket, and really excellent grades.
Happy New Year, Stunner!! Al the best for the year!!
Happy 2007 Stunner.
My best to you, too.
Happy New Year Stunner
Happy big Happy mr. Stunner! Here we are again ready to do it one more time in '07! All the best to you and fam man!
Happy new year dude! Live long and prosper!
Happy New Year to you as well.Make sure you get good grades!
Happy New Year to you too!
Happy New Year, Stunner!
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