Another successful staging of the
Digicel Rising Stars competition has once again come to an end. And history has been created in this third staging of the programme that has won the hearts of Jamaicans. For the first time a group has come out on top and has claimed the winning title of Digicel's Rising Stars 2006. The group One Third has been voted the winner by the Jamaican public, who has their hearts stolen by this singing group of three, who sung a variety of songs from oldies to their most popular cover of Anthony Cruz's Half Way Tree. But One Third was not just faces that drove the girls wild and voices that thrilled their souls, they also had a commanding stage presence with their choreography. Congratulations One Third and all the best with you careers...and the one million dollars!

I have to also highlight the second runner up Nikeisha Barnes who also had a commanding stage presence, not only for her voice and her cover of a few Mary J Blige's song including her powerful performance of I'm Going Down, but also with her hot body. Yes she was not only a strong voice, but also a stong body gal! She had a nice shape, wonderful legs, accentuated by her outfits, and a decent pair of lips that keeps driving one of my coworkers wild! (ok, ok, I liked her lips too and her body) Nikesha wasn't a winner from the start at all though. She was eliminated in one of the early rounds, but for some reason the toughest, most feared judge of the competition, Anthony Miller, saw something in her and pulled her back in the competition. And I know he wasn't disappointed. Congratulation Nikeisha and I wouldn't mind sharing some of that six hundred thousand dollars!
I can't end this blog without mentioning the famous Brushy One String,

singing melodies with his two string guitar 9formerly one string). Although he was eliminated the week before the final round he still came out a winner. I doubt Brushy wanted to win, i think he just wanted some exposure, as he has been performing for sometime now. And exposure he got, as he is now a part of the line up for the Heineken Star Time Show!
The competition wasn't as intense as last year with Chris and Noddy, but it still had a lot of hype! Come on 4000 ticket sold out in just a few days! That's still a lot of hype! An I know
Digicel is smiling all the way to the bank with all that money they made!
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10 commented:
.. I still have a lil thing for Brushy ..
Proud of you Brushy. Congrats to One Third.
you do realize that barnes is the real winner though right. with a total of about 800k in cash and prizes right. and a VERY HIGH probability of getting a contract. with a voice like that I wouldn't be surprised if she made it over 1/3'rd in the long run honestly.
fact groups are more dificult to market than solo artists
fact groups never make it in the long run there are very few exceptions that last for a while and they all tend to break up
there are generally arguments which kind ruin the fluid like vibe and mesh like properties of the group.
lets see what the future hold.. and i have this comment entry to refer back to as proof of what i said :)
Am happy One Third won. What was surprising to me was Inga Stewart being voted off so early.
LOL @ Island Spice. Brushy does have a unique voice and stage presence. Leon, Brushy did well and so did One Third. What I liked about Brushy theough, is that most of his songs were originals. I espeially loved Boom Bang Beng, or something like that.
Yes Gladstone, Nikeisha is certainly smilling with her winnigs. I agree with you on the group thing, only time will tell.
I see One Third has captured your heart Kami. Well as the say it's the public votes that counts, especially those of the young girls :)
Stunner, stop talk bout co-worker who going crazy over Nickeisha's lips... yu know is you :).
It was a good competition. And you know bout Digicel smiling all the way to the bank too.
That's the thing I love about Jamaica...the creativity just bubbles on and on.
Hmmm, Stunner, mayB Brushy did really want 2 win -- ah mean, a $million is a nice incentive!
CD, I'm not lieing, one of my coworkers was really liked her lips...I do like them too.
Yes Guyana Gyal, there are a lot of talented people in Jamaica.
$1million, is certainly a nice incentive.
I'm going to have to check out One Third and Brushy.
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