Happy one year Stunner's Afflictions!!!! One year, 133 posts and still going. Exactly one year ago I made my first post on Stunner's Afflictions and embarked on my journey in the blogsphere. At first I viewed the blog as a medium for me to voice my opinions on issues that affect me and on things that I find interesting. But now I find my blogging to be more than just commenting on issues or lashing out on things that annoy me. To me blogging is much more than just that, blogs are a medium for me to share a part of my life, my interests, my personality with those who dear to take a read. It also offers me the opportunity to peer into a part of other bloggers life and see things from a different point of view.
Blogging has also allowed me to meet a wide cross section of people via the various blogs that I read, but it didn't just stop there. I have also had the privilege of meeting quiet a few of the persons behind the blogs on two occasions at the Bloggers Linkups.
Thank you all for supporting my blog so far!!!
Model Trains = Fishtanks but cooler
[image: narita express train]
Having a model train set and a miniature railroad is so soothing. It’s kind
of like why people have fish tanks but cooler! T...
2 weeks ago
12 commented:
Happy Anniversary!
thanks for sharing your life with us. Keep posting and we'll keep reading.
Hey Stunner..happy one yr anniversary.Call mi nuh@9415436
Happy One Year. It seems like I've been reading your for much longer than a year.
Keep sharing your ideas, view, comments and complaints with us.
Happy anniversary! Break out the cake!
wow, its just one year? seems like you've always been here.
Only 1 yr? Really? Happy 1st Stunner. :)
Happy one year. Seems like Yamfoot also celebrating an anniversary dis week. Big up!!
Congratulations on making it a year. Here's to many more.
Happy Anniversay...next round of drinks are on you.
Happy Blogoversary Stunner. Time flies when you're having fun.
Toot toot, whistles and party hats for all!
Cake, how 'bout some cake? I want chocolate.
*singing* 'Happy Anniversary, my dear, happy anniversary and good cheer'
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