The Dutty Wine has been on the lips many deejays and has become one of the most, if not the most popular dance in Jamaica and even in the entire Caribbean and North America region. The popularity of this dance has also superseded the boundaries of the dances, clubs and television to even the Internet on the popular You Tube. Now it seems the Dutty Whine has a new claim to fame, a killer! It is alleged that on the night of October 29, 2006, 18-year old Tanisha Henry was attending a 'school uniform' party in St. Catherine. At about 4 o'clock in the morning she was doing the dutty wine when she collapsed and was rushed to the hospital where she was pronounced dead. (Ratid, mi sound like one dem police deh pon Crime Stop!).
The dance involves the rapid swinging of the head and neck which has spurred many doctors to issue warnings against the practice of this dance. It has been reported that many persons doing the Dutty Wine, especially in the infamous Dutty Wine Contests, have suffered from whiplash. However, this is the most serious incident that has been attributed to the dance. I have seen quiet a few Dutty Wine Contests on TV and let me tell you, I have to wonder if these girls have any common sense at all to be wheeling their heads in such a violent manner! I even saw one of them sprain their neck doing the Dutty Wine!
The alleged death by Dutty Wine has startled many, including one woman in the community where the incident occurred,, so much so that she proclaimed, "It is a warning to young people that dem mus stop du de Dutty Wine,...Is like a demon sen' from de pit a hell dat is taking the lives of the youth even before dem have time to repent." The incident has also let to many calling for the banning of Dutty Wine. Personally, I don't see banning the dance possible, but people must realise that although it's in the name of fun, they need to use their common sense and realize that they need to be careful. Then again, common sense is not so common.
On another sad note former World Boxing Council, Heavy-weight champion, Jamaican, Trevor Berbik was found murdered near his door step in the quiet district of Norwich in my home parish of Portland. He was brutally murdered and the police have ruled out robbery as the motive. The police have since then apprehended two persons in relation to the crime and has suspected that it may be a reprisal killing. This has casted a shadow on my peaceful parish of Portland, which has the lowest murder rate in Jamaica. It is just another sign to show how bad things have become, when not even the life of a celebrity, an icon, the women and even the children's life are safe from the hands of murder.
Now let's switch gears as I give you a Stunner update. I have decided not to take the place based on the concerns I explained in my last post, and so I'm still on the hunt for a new place. hopefully I find one this weekend, I have to! The school front is just as harsh, I did a test yesterday and I wasn't pleased with how I handled it. I have several labs and a major assignment to hand in between next week and the week after. As if that isn't bad enough, exam is breathing down my neck, as it is only 4 weeks away. But with the help of God I'll make it through. On a lighter note, I got to take more pictures, and speaking of pictures check out the picture of the Puss-Tail one Exotic Fotos! Enjoy your weekend!!!
Model Trains = Fishtanks but cooler
[image: narita express train]
Having a model train set and a miniature railroad is so soothing. It’s kind
of like why people have fish tanks but cooler! T...
2 weeks ago
9 commented:
Matterhorn always said "Dutty Wine Responsibily!"
As a town boy who grew up in Port Antonio its sad to hear bout the violence that they trying to trickle into my parish.
Keep it in Spanish Town
Can't ban it.They would have to police the dancehalls.I don't get all the head movements either.
Always sad to hear about murders.Life too precious.
Good luck apt hunting
grr you still aint found nothing yet thought you would be blogging fromt he new apt already.. as for the duttywine.. really if people wanna do it and kill em selfs props to them.. i mean no girl cant tell me nothing them feel dizzy and disoriented aftre doing a dance (something that should make you feel good inside yay i'm having fun kinda good) dutty wine is rubbish a dance thats hazardous to your health.. makes no sense at all
Wow. All that from a dance...
I still want to know the autopsy results fr the young lady in questin. I mean, suppose se had an brain anurysm that wudda pop anytime, and just hapend to occur while she was doin' the dead dance? Suppose the Dead Danc is gettin a bad rap? Tee hee...Anyway. Instead of hanging Saddam, maybe they should sentence him to do the Dutty Wine, and save the cost of buying some rope...
I still want to do it, just once. Couldn't because I was pregnant. What about the new dance "hot f**k"? What you think about that one??
Well he did tell them that, Fred2dread. Fi real cyan afford fi violence over-run beautiful Portland.
Kami, I can just imagine police raiding the sessions and culbs and arresting people for dutty wining! lol. You mean yuh nuh ketch the dance yet?
I agree with you Taylor, if them want fi go kill off themselves, that is there choice.
Surprising isn't id Princess Dominique, only in Jamaica!
I too am waiting of the results, Afroditee. Hmmm sentenced to death by dutty wining, sounds interesting.
Well, CD, now is the time, but remember to do it resposibly. Hmmm, Hot F**K, well I like any dance that have half naked women gyrating and behaving sexually suggestive!
Dutty Wine. Boy, what a dance. I've said my piece on my blog, and you've basically echoed it so, what's left to say?
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