A random conversation at work this evening, sparked of a rather nostalgic moment for me and my coworkers as we recalled the cartoons of our childhood. Yes, the days when we were carefree and the only important things were playing with our friends and of course watching cartoons! I can still recall heading home from school as the bell rang and making a mad dash with my friends to get home to watch my favorite cartoon, and waking up early on Saturday mornings for the cartoon block. I just can't help that feeling of nostalgia as I look back in mind at those days, even though it makes me realize how old I am now.
As a kid of the 80's and only had one television station at the time, Jamaica Broadcasting Company (JBC), I was exposed to a mixture of cartoons from the 80's and some from much earlier. So here are my top 10 greatest cartoons from my early childhood, you can click on the links to see the intro for the cartoons as the post would be too long if I added them all:
Model Trains = Fishtanks but cooler
[image: narita express train]
Having a model train set and a miniature railroad is so soothing. It’s kind
of like why people have fish tanks but cooler! T...
2 weeks ago
15 commented:
All my favs are in your top ten Stunner, except for GI Joe and MASK.
ooh my gosh, one of your best blog posts ever. A few days ago me and my friends were having a heated debate on which old school cartoons were the best. I dounloaded many of the starting themes and shared them with my friends on their mp3 players.
Of course my vote went to Thundercats!
WOW... I love that panther ...WOW...
You are in the air and pleas check your e-mail .
Love Fancy
Love the Flinstones..I need to see more of them.
I like Daffy Duck too
Teenage Ninja Mutant turtles
Duuude seriously one of your best blog posts ever, felt such a connection, even with Silver Hawks, DAMN those were good cartoons. I grew up on that shit. G-force was good too. you never listed it though.
Gordon Swaby
Yeah Gordon. I agree. G-Force was the bomb. Bravestar was cool too.
My Sweet Friend
You have a lot of comment to follow up now in Contemplation...
Love Fancy
remember "enter the dojo"?
I love them all.
Still grinning and hummimng 'partly metal, partly real' from watching that silver hawks video, Gordon said it best, felt such a connection.
How was it people couldn't tell Adam and He Man were the same person?
1, 2, 3, & especially 10.
wah bout the Gummy Bears? and the Smurfs????? I loved the Smurfs!
@Gussie: How could I forget those! Thanks for the reminder.
@jamaipanese: Thanks dude! man those were the real cartoons!
@ Fancy: I see you liked Thundercats.
@Abeni: Yup those were great too, ah the days when cartoons were great.
@Gordon: Thanks star! Man those were the rwal cartoon, they don't make them like they used to these days. Damn star, how could I forget G-Force, that cartoon was hard dude!
@Leon: Never much of a Bravestar fan, but it was cool to watch.
@GC: I'm not sure, sound familiar.
@Leon Basin: Thanks for the visit! I love them too, they were great!
@Jacqueline Smith: Yeah, I used to sing that in my head everyday when I was younger! lol!
@justacoolcat: LOL! I ask the same about Superman too!
@Jamaican Dawta: Great minds think alike!
@NadYaDee: I used to like Smirfs too! Damn girl, I didn't even remember Gummy Bears, I used to love that!
I always wanted some gummy berry juice so I could bounce really high... oh to be a kid again!
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