It's been a while since I have visited Blogsville and posted, or even read post. I have been a bad Blogger. But I have been busy with all kinda stuff and also I have just been in a slump for the past couple of days and just didn't feel like posting of doing anything at all. I'm feeling a bit better now and picking up the pieces and reconfiguring the Stunner. So what has been happening in my neck of the woods?
Exam Done, Whoooiii!!!
Yes at last exam has come to an end, and I am so happy, excited (as you can see from my 'sketelish' expression in the heading) and relieved. The exams weren't too bad at all! The first one was somewhat challenging and had me worried a bit that i might just not get that minimum B- that I need to bring up my GPA. But I went on the web portal yesterday and say that i at least passed the course (nuh haffi di it again, Whoooiii!!!). So I am a bit optimistic about getting my minimum B- in the course. the second one was a dream come true, i buttered up that one good and proper, your boy Stunner can just taste the A. Now I'm just waiting on the official results to seal the deal. The only thing looming over my head and standing in the way of me and the likkle piece o' paper is my Major Project and one deggeh, deggeh semester. Oh freedom just months away.
Car Fix-up
The Stunnermobile, which I have been running red and neglecting for so long finally got a likkle touch up fi the end of year. I decided to get it serviced to ensure it doesn't embarrass me on the road by breaking down. So between the parts and oils and the mechanic I had to fork out some doe. Yes I did say mechanic, I don't have time to service my car myself, I got stuff to do. but that's just half of my pay cheque, the front tyres were excessively worn due to on the outer edges. So I had to carry poor Stunnermobile to get her a bran new pair of tyres and an alignment. So the ride is almost good to gizzle, I only need to fix the AC which has been working when it feels like and my coke-head central lock system. After taking care of those Stunner Mobile will be good to gizzle fo sizzle...I will only need to figure out how I'm ging to buy food...
New Personal Communication and Entertainment Device PCED (AKA Cell Phone)
Yes finally I have decided to treat myself and purchase a new cell phone, well PCED as I call them these days, cause they have all kinda things on them now: Camera, Video Recorder, FM Radio, Calculator, Music Player, and the list goes on. As I have said so many times I am a Samsung man, but if I am to get a Samsung with all the features I want it would cost me an arm and a leg. So I settled for the next best thing, a Nokia! After scrutinizing and extensive research I bought myself a Nokia 6131. This phone is so loaded with features and the design isn't too bad at all! It has all the features above and more, it's even a push-to-talk phone (walkie talkie)! Now I need to get me some bad bwoy ring tunes for my Stunner Mobile (yes that's the name I gave it for bluetooth communications).
New Post on Exotic Island Photos
I have posted yet another new photo on my photo blog. But I have no idea what the name of the subject of the photograph is. So you can visit the blog and help me with the name.
That's pretty much a summary of a few of the things I've been p to over the past few days I have been absent. So what's going on in Blogsville? I guess I'll find out right about now, mi gone read some blogs!
Model Trains = Fishtanks but cooler
[image: narita express train]
Having a model train set and a miniature railroad is so soothing. It’s kind
of like why people have fish tanks but cooler! T...
2 weeks ago
15 commented:
I havent yet quite figured out why people need a cell phone with features on it other than the following...
The ability to...
1. Make a call
2. Receive a call
3. Send and receive texts
4. Set the alarm
5. Put a "Make a note" thingy in the organizer/calendar.
Well that is all i use my phone for. But maybe I am the abnormal one!
Yamfoot I like when it has a lot of features. I need all the features you mentioned, but I do like the benefits of other features like:
1. Camera and video recorder, handy when I don't have my actual camera.
2.Bluetooth, good to get bashy ringtunes and wireless headset's are sooo much better than the ones with cords, I always get the wire tangled.
3. the FM radio comes in handy when I'm waiting and get bored, so is the music player.
4.the calculator is very handy, although I will be using all the features of the scientific calcultor (sine, cosine, tan, swuareroot, etc.)in the new phone.
5.GPRS internet browsing and msn messaging from my phone.
6. having all these in one convenient small device is great!
I am an extremist when it comes to technology.. sadly i overspend on that category. my last cellphone cost me roughly $30,000 a qtek 9090 pocket pc / cellphone hybrid.. it served me well during my transition from an old lapotp to a new one (my make shift computer)
and in my field data phones help. the ability to hop online and handle administrative tasks for a site you webmaster from anywhere you have internet access is priceless.
Make a great one this Holiday season!
Wishing U:
"a taste a heaven in 07, see U then!"
bK bAbE!
Walk Good!
U aced de exams -- way ta go! Sounds like celebration start a'ready wid de Stunnermobile & de new Stunner Mobile!
Welcome back!
1) Congrats on the eggams!
2) Glad the car is good to gizzle
3) Happy hunting for the bad bwoy chunes.I can't find a normal ring anymore. Nuttin but dem songs juttin outta the fones. Cho!
Yeah Dr.D mi glad to, it's such a relief! Re di elpone, mi love when it have practical features, although some people buy the fancy phones and don't use them. i make sure I used them up!
Yes Taylor,
we both on the same wavelength, except for the price! I love when I can get some extra beneficial functions from the phone.
You too BK, have yourself a great one.
Yes Melody, the exams were good this year. but, the celebration nuh big yet, next year when i'm finished the big basment will gwaan!
Thanks Afroditee. The car is almost good to gizzle just a couple more things to do. Yeah I love te bashy tunes on my cell, I want Buju's Driver tune for my ringtune.
Enjoy the holidays too Dr. D!
Merry Christmas to you and yours...Happy to hear you did well on the exams which should make the holidays more enjoyable.
I need a new Razr got lost..sigh. Am thinking of getting a slivr or something.
Have a good Christmas Stun.
Welcome back! You know you can't go too long without blogging. Happy New Year!
Stun you haven't missed a lot. Blogger has been broken more than usual. Merry Christmas.
Thanks Kami, and enjoy your holidays. S for the phone thing the Slivr doesn't look to bad, but I'm not a Motorola fan.
Thanks and enjoy your holidays too Ri.
Thanks Princess, all the best for the new year.
Yeah Justacoolcat, i have noticed that Blogger has bee tripping seriously of late, Wordpress is looking more inviting everyday.
Ah yes. Another phone with way too many features. Glad you're back. Happy holidays!
Stunner my man!!! Treat yourself good. I'm glad that you get to indulge on all of the nice little things that you have coming to you. How come when I see folks say that they've gotten a device that does all kinds of stuff, someone else comes back and says, "why do people need all of that stuff on their phones?" I'm like, hey he's got a flair for nice things on his phone, he gets to enjoy it because he likes those bells and whistles right man??? Geez.
Anyway, you sound great and looking forward to more blogs from you in the New Year man. I'll be along for the ride as well. Enjoy your holiday season and treat yourself even better in the '07. Lata boss!
Thanks Leon, I love me a phone with features. Enjoy your holiday too!
Thanks Luke, well said! That's what I say too, if you like something then get it if you can. I'm enjoying the phone thus far. Looking forward to more post from you in 2007 to!
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