A rough week has come to an end. I finally did my presentation and it went well, despite the fact that I ran a bit over the time. I handed in my final lab and did one of the worst tests I have ever done. I have never did so many "eenie-meenie-minie-mos" in a multiple choice before, I mean I didn't know anything, but it was comforting to know that it wasn't me alone, the whole class was doing the same thing! Now all I have to do is to fine tune my book and get it bound and start some serious studying. I hate studying! I have my two exams only a day apart, so I have to focus on both courses for the next two weeks. Then it will be freedom! Freedom at last!...until August.
At last some rain has been moistening the land. Yes every afternoon at about 2:30, you can bet on it that there will be a couple of showers of rain. The rain has been falling every afternoon since week. It is a well-deserved break from the dry season that we were experiencing. We get a nice mix: brilliant sunshine in the mornings, showers of rain in the afternoon and cool nights.
Well another long holiday weekend. As usual I won't be enjoying it, I am working the whole weekend, except for Sunday. Got to make some money to pay the bills and the government. I should be going on an excursion to the country on Sunday. If all goes well I will have some wonderful pics of this beautiful island to share with you!
Here is a pic for the weekend. Hope you all like this one. I took it last year after a shower of rain early one morning.
Enjoy the long weekend!
Model Trains = Fishtanks but cooler
[image: narita express train]
Having a model train set and a miniature railroad is so soothing. It’s kind
of like why people have fish tanks but cooler! T...
2 weeks ago
7 commented:
sometimes the eenie meenie minie mos does work real well.Enjoy your Sunday:)
Nice pic. Have a good day Sunday and tear up the exams.
Lovely dahhhlin!!
well... happy easter... if you celebrate it :D
Whoa! Beautiful photo, Stunner. You's got talent, man, you's got talent.
If the whole class didn't know, then blame the lecturer...like we once did, hahaha and wrote letter and signed petition and all, hehe...the head of Carimac was NOT amused.
Enjoy your Sunday :-D
Great picture. The sun's coming out, just like your holiday coming up. Don't worry bout dem exams, 2 weeks fly by quickly. But, I'm in the same predicament. When eenie-meenie-minie mos dont work, just circle "C". The answer is always "C". :-)
Enjoy your trip!!!
Ah yes, I know those exams where you just guess your way through. But usually, you don't preform as bad as you thought, so I'm sure you did fine.
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