It is certainly pouring cats and dogs...and maybe more! For the past couple of days the corporate area has been experiencing the blessings of heavenly down pour of an abundance of water. But things certainly picked up steam yesterday and the sky opened up! But this was child splay compared to the rain that fell today! Normally the rain would start falling sometime after twelve in the afternoon, but toady it decided to get a head start and started some minutes after eleven with a few showers and then by mid afternoon the sky draped itself in dark, sackcloth-like drapes of thick puffy clouds. And the rain fell relentlessly.
I wish I was home cuddling with, as Dr.D would put it, a sweet "young lass". But unfortunately I had to be at work. But I was not too depressed about working a double shift today, because I certainly wouldn't want to face the rivers that flowed along the metropolitan road ways and definitely not that awful, miserable, rain induced Friday evening traffic! Trust me, no road condition is worse than being in a Friday evening traffic with rain falling as heavily as it did today. by the time my shift ends tonight, the road will be clear for me and Stunnermobile, to knife through the film of water covering the late night road.
But this is not the end of the rain at all. According to the weather report this tropical wave will be staying over in Jamaica this weekend. So the skies will be blear and dark, and the buckets of the sky will empty their contents on the city and the island. Although my dirty clothes basket is piling up more and more everyday due to the rain, I don't mind it so much...yet. The rain has certainly brought on some much cooler temperatures, a well needed break from the intense head that we have been experiencing. At long last my super heated apartment is cool and I can actually cover up with my sheet! Can you believe it! Well if you stayed at my apartment during those hot days you would understand my excitement. But I need some sun before my clothes run out, the sunny mornings and rainy afternoon can work for a few days. But I need a few sunny beach days, because I haven't hit the beach all summer.
Well, it's going to be a cool and wet, wet weekend here for me! Hope you all enjoy yours...wet or dry!
Model Trains = Fishtanks but cooler
[image: narita express train]
Having a model train set and a miniature railroad is so soothing. It’s kind
of like why people have fish tanks but cooler! T...
3 weeks ago
12 commented:
lol the rain is so bad that I have changed my route home to avoid some deep waters on certain roads.. I dont mind the rain too coz now the place is nice and cool :D
I am more than willing to give up my ochi trip tomorrow to relax at my cool home now ;)
I like the rain, it's still falling now and has been for hours.
It's nice, cool and induces "cuddling"
boy the rain just mass up mi saturday :(
Got a project and a power point presentation sunday..... hope it falls even harder tomorrow. That would be nice.
lol @ bobby it isn't even drizzling. the ninja rain got you man.. lol.. it heard your plea and said.. "oh yeah..." lol.
@Adrian: I too love how cool the place is.
@Jamaipanese: Yup perfect time to have over that special female! hehehehe
@owen: Hush mi yute, just call over the lady and she'll make it all better!
@Bobby & Taylor2nd: Yep as taylor sait, the rain pull a fast one pon yuh mi yute! lol
I love rainy weekends!
I love rainy weekends!
We had some intermittent rain too. The rainy season really living up to its name
Ps..You and yuh neighbour voting Labour or yuh not changing course?:)
a blamed the rained for stucking my car in my lawn which resulted in the death of my lawn, so a guess it vex with me after all..... damn. Still didn't have to do them today though so i guess i defeated the ninja... does that makes me a ninja?
BTW jampanese girl didn't make it... poor lad. he confessed on my blog feel it fi him.
I actually enjoyed the rain. It was a welcome break from the merciless sun.
Me never love the rain. I was planning a beach move and it rain all weekend! :( Now I haven't been to the beach for almost a month! I wonder what Saturday will be like. Will Dean be far enough away that we can go beach as we like, or will I be too busy battening down?!
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