Yes that's exactly what has happened, my vacation is quickly blowing by in the wind. Before you know it I will be back in Jamdown and back on the slavery...I mean back at work. Well nothing like the previous level of excitement transpired this past week. I spent most of the week shopping, all over the place, from one store to the next! It's a wonder I have any money left, nuh worry i am a responsible shopper. But there is still one week left to go and still more shopping to be done! You must be saying, fi a man yuh can shop sah! But my shopping is not offense to the ladies... female shopping where one wonders around aimlessly for ours before buying a few things, if anything is actually bought. Oh no I have my list ready, and I know what I want and when I see it and the price matches my pocket, I man buy it!
Yesterday I wend down in the city to... yes shop, and of course take a few... well take some pictures. I will post a few in time. I had a nice time in the heart of Manhattan and surprisingly had some close encounters with nature. What? Wah nature deh inna di city, you ask? Well nuff, there were the pigeons that swooped down at my feet waiting on crumbs to fall, there was a squirrel that came by for his share and of course the countless little green aphid-like bugs that bomb rushed me and tried to steal my food! See, nuff nature! Well I tired, so I man going get some shut eyes and will check out your posts tomorrow. Here are the shots of the cave as promised.
Model Trains = Fishtanks but cooler
[image: narita express train]
Having a model train set and a miniature railroad is so soothing. It’s kind
of like why people have fish tanks but cooler! T...
3 weeks ago
16 commented:
Thats the problem with vacations. They go by so quickly!
Even though it is goign by sounds like you really having a ball dont worry, when u come back you will have the memories for a lifetime...And is strange to hear a man being so excited about shopping :-)
sounds like you are having lots of fun.. unfair.. I need a vacation too :(
what/where are those caves?
wow Stunner
those shots are cool
did you fiddle with them to make them so clear? Taking photos in caves is hard.
@gc flash helps
Wallpaper worthy pics. Enjoy yourself 'til you're back in chains!
MB, that is soooo true!
Yeah Marangand, I'm having fun and it is definitely good to be away from work, even if it's only for 3 weeks. The reason why I'm so excited is because i haven't done any real shopping in 2 yrs, suh yuh know mi need some new clothes bad!
Yes Adrian, nuff fun! I dread coming back to work, even though it might not be long as I hear roumers of redundancy! It was in the cave at Indian Echo Caverns in Pennsylvania.
Thanks GC! No fiddling at all, just held the camera steady. Like Owen said, I used the flash, but only on the first shot. It is certainly challenging to take photos in caves.
Thanks Leon! I am definitely not looking forward to the chains!
@Stunner & Owen
I went to a cave on my vacation in April and found that my shots were not coming out. And yes, I did use the flash. The only solution I could find was to set the camera on red eye reduction so there would be a couple of flashes instead of just one. And I still had to lighten the pics on the computer a little.
GC the cave I went to had some amount of artificial lighting installed.
Sorry I had to delete the previous response I made as I borrowed a use from a friends pc, so the post name was incorrect.
The attack of the hungry creatures LOL LOL look like you barely made it...... yeah you definitely having fun..... guess your one week will be up when you read this it go "Thats the sound of the men working on the chain gaaang..." :-Sam Cooke
Stunner, sorry you couldn't find my contact info. I'll correct that on the site. enjoy the rest of the vacation. NYC is the place to shop for it all. I had a good time there too. Did you get a hance to see any of the NYC sights.
Shopping is an art...all that wandering and 'aimless shopping' has a greater purpose, we just don't let men in on it, otherwise they want to tag along everywhere.
So what's on the list?
I see you want one of those vacations that last forever *lol* Get back to work! :)
Sounds like a great time!
Sounds like ya did it up good Stunner! Like a true islander should Kudos man!
hmmmm GC so it go
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