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Monday, June 12, 2006

Guess Who Went to Portland!

Once again I have been negligent a bit, but as usual it's not my fault! Blogger was giving trouble again last week Thursday and then I went to petulant for a few days. I am currently on vacation, since last week Tuesday. Don't rejoice for me or envy me just yet, it ends today, well tonight actually as I will be returning to work on the grave yard shift tonight.

Nothing much has been happening with the Stunner these days, just trying to take things easy. As I said before Blogger was $@#@&@%* itself, and caused me much frustration as I was unable to read your blogs because the page was taking forever to load and then when I finally got to read a post I could not comment. S that got me very @@$*#^#$!* frustrated and so I went to do something else. Don't fret though, I plan to read your blogs tonight.

The Portland run quiet ok! I didn't get to go to the beach as it rained every morning and by midday I had no vibes to head to the beach and furthermore I didn't have much company. But I did get to spend some quality time with my parent, Daddy and Mommy Stunner. They were happy to see me especially since I had not been over there in several months. And of cure Mommy Stunner fixed me up with my favorite meal, Mommy Stunner's Pot Roast Pork! Hmm, hmm, hmm, it was soooo good, I even still have some left over in my fridge for dinner tonight. She even gave me the quiet a few of the wonderful and juicy, succulent Julie mango that I love so much! Daddy Stunner was not to be left out as he packed me up with some green and ripe bananas as well as several large plantains from his gully (Portland word for hillside) farm.

Don't feel bad that I got all those goodies and you didn't get anything from Portland, because I carried back a likkle sup'm sup'm for you. I took some pictures of the beautiful flowers at my parents home, to share with you all. Here are a few of the shots.

I call this "The Glory And The Faded"

Well it seems dutty !%$@*&^* Blogger is only allowing me to post one of the photos in this post, don't worry you will get to see the rest in my next post.

That's my weekend in a nut shell. How was your weekend?

P.S. I have a new post on my other blog, In Shape, make sure you check it out!

7 commented:

What a lovely flower! Yeah Blogger's been giving me grievance too. You can start by visiting my blog.

lovely flower, bless you sensitive soul lol. blogger can be an ass

I've been yelling about blogger too, atleast it's free.

Have you tried Flikr for photos?

Hahah I love the title of the pix! Sounds like the US football team (yup I think that counts as about the 15th blog that I have ragged on the US about their 'soccer' team)

Blogger been driving me nuts!Didnt do a thing this wkend but watch sports.

Aarond,where is Marc?

Stunner, it's finally're from Portland and your parents live in Portland.

Ohhh you lucky fella you!

All, I though I was the only one being tortured by Blogger! We can now start a support group, lol!

Leon, Obi and Aarond, glad that you liked the pic. Justacoolcat I have been thinging about adding flikr to my page, just haven't got around to do it yet.

Yeah Dr.D I am happy I got to spend some time with the peeps.

LOL!, yes Guyana-gal, I am from the lush parish of Portland!