Our fate has been sealed today, September 24, 2009, the average Jamaican has been plunged into further hardship. The Office of Utility Regulations (OUR), for weeks has had our fate in the palm of their hands, as the deliberated in giving the Jamaica Public Service (JPS) the hike the deviously conceived and presented in earnest. Today was D-day, as the OUR was to say whether or not it would be granting the JPS the hike they have been eagerly awaiting and once again the customer's worse fear was realized!
The OUR has granted the JPS an increase on the non-fuel charge of the electricity bill, though the increase is not the ridiculous 23 percent average JPS was asking for, it is still a significant increase. The JPS received a 13 3 percent average increase in non-fuel charge of their monthly bills, which is still a huge increase in these harsh economic times. This 13 3 percent average increase in the non-fuel part of the electricity bill, is further compounded by the ever increasing fuel-part of the bill, which increased even up to this month! I dread the thought of what my next light bill will look like, because even with my attempts of conservation, I still see a bill coming up to several thousands. JPS is sticking true to their motto, "Changing lives with our energy", because they are certainly making our lives harder and making us poorer!To coincide with this hike in the electricity bill, or maybe just coincidence, the Bank of Jamaica (BoJ) has commenced the circulation of the new Jamaican Five Thousand Dollar note (JM$5000). This is just perfect timing with the OUR grant of an increase to JPS, as we certainly will be forking out much more money to pay our bills. No doubt this increase granted to JPS, will shortly start to trick down into other utility bills: telephone, cellphone, cable, water, etc and will even start to translate into other goods and services. At least when people go to pay their bills instead of forking out several Thousand Dollar bills (JM$1000), they will be forking out less paper with this new JM$5000 bill. Now we can cover more bills with less notes. that's they only good way of looking at it, if there is at all any good way to look at it!
This hike in electricity bill and the new JM$5000 note further highlights the plight of the average Jamaican people and gives a dim picture of the overall economic health... or ill-health of the country. Dark and gloomy days lay ahead, we can't stop it, we just have to learn how to survive as much as possible. With this in mind, and my current unemployed status, I now have to reevaluate my energy conservation and see where can further cut back on my energy consumption to stay afloat in this turbulent economic stormy waters.
Source: http://go-jamaica.com/news/read_article.php?id=12847, http://go-jamaica.com/news/read_article.php?id=12851
Model Trains = Fishtanks but cooler
[image: narita express train]
Having a model train set and a miniature railroad is so soothing. It’s kind
of like why people have fish tanks but cooler! T...
3 weeks ago
9 commented:
First off, no i don't think Kanye is conceited.
Secondly it's hard enough that i live alone and my bill comes to a whopping $5000 grand a month, dam JPS!! They increased the bills last year, once they increase then next NWC then Telephone, god, we really can't take anymore.
As for the $5000 bill...i could have sworn that the poll said majority were not in favour of it, yet BOJ went ahead and did their own thing? We do not care about using less rhatid paper, this will only cause a devaluing of our dollar even more.
What is this country coming to? Maybe i should migrate to greener pastures.
candles make everything swanky. You should light a lot of candles.
That is a huge increase. Too much fraud and theft in the system. Also, what GC said. Candles, my man, the ladies will feel swanky.
it dread bad
my bill comes to 5000+ too! :o could it be a grand plot by unseen forces? I've been thinking of building a windmill.
Wow! Sorry to hear this still. Good luck in the job hunt, Mr. Stunner!
Why are you still unemployed..go work for FLOW...seems a natural movement to me, then you could get a bundled subsidy on your telcoms services:)
Re $5000.00 I am bouycotting it..a don't want a soul gi mi none
Re JPS... they have a guaranteed increase in their licence...we need competition in the sector, until then thank God the nights are much cooler. we all just Haffi stay strong inna di gideon
@Tami: I too thinking about migrating! It rough!
@GC & Justacoolcat: It's too hot in this place for candles!
@Dutty: Very!
@Owen: I want a windmill and some solar equipment!
@Mad Bull: Yeah, I need a job with all these increases!
@Emancipated: I wish I could just get up and go work for them, but they have to want to hire me fist! lol We can only blame our sell-out governments for what JPS is doing.
In my Kanye impersonation --*grabs the blog microphone* Yo Jamaica, I'm really sad for you...Imma let y'all finish, but Somalia has the worst economy of all time. just kidding.
Bwoy Jamaica can't continue like this tho...I really wanted to come back after school, but the job ting dread and I feel it for everybody with degrees & trade skills and can't get a decent wage...it;s stifling.
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