Yes folks your fellow blogger and chef extraordinaire has done it again, another exploit in the wonderful world of the culinary arts, a.k.a. the kitchen! So after failing miserably a long time go at making spaghetti and rounded meat...most commonly known as a spaghetti and meat balls (cause man nuh eat balls!), I decided to try it again. But this time! So on Sunday I was armed with a recipe from and more years of experience. But of course being the famous Chef Stunner-Yardie, I had to add my special touch to it, yes those special herbs, spices and seasonings and of course my special touch. But this time the Stunner was victorious and the dish turned out great!But the conquest didn't end there, Chef Stunner-Yardie did it again, but this time it was different dish. On Tuesday, it was back in the kitchen to make another stunneriffic dish. I made one serious piece of bar-b-que, chicken deh! It was finger licking good! But that was just a part of it, as I made some corn muffins with sweet corn and to go with it some steamed veggies: carrots, string beans and broccoli with my special butter sauce. Yes your boy Stunner was seriously going on bad in the kitchen. The left overs I had with lettuce and salad tomatoes.
It has been a really busy week for me, not only with work, but because I have started back at at the gym. After work in the days, it's stratight to the gym, and by the time I get home it's just enough time to eat some food and head to the bed for the next day. So that's why I have been to absent from the blogs scene this week. I'm off tis weekend, can you believe it! I actually have a weekend off...only problem I wish I was off on Hero's weekend (sigh). Nothing planned for the weekend at all, maybe just gym and relaxing.
Model Trains = Fishtanks but cooler
[image: narita express train]
Having a model train set and a miniature railroad is so soothing. It’s kind
of like why people have fish tanks but cooler! T...
3 weeks ago
15 commented:
Hmmm....I like a man who knows his way around the kitchen.....especially the counter tops;)
Goh deh, Stunner. That looks soooo yummy. Haven't had pasta in a long while, mayB 2 long, hmmm...
*watering mouth*
Dude a proud a yuh and is not for the cooking ..blaaaah, the presentation that is where you looking good it tells me that you pay a lot of attention to details ... now if only there was someone who could blog on your behalf so as to attest to the taste. Then i would crown you 'Chef Extraordinaire'
Oh my gosh, those dishes look soooo good! I bet you enjoyed every bite!
I love pasta!
You should also be very proud of yourself for sticking with it until it came out right....way to go dude! *smile*
I'm impressed. Good job!
Spaghetti and rounded meat. lol. That's a good one.
Looking good there Stunner.You going to make a good husband to some lucky woman:)
LOL @rounded meat. Is it safe to assume that this is not the only room you know your way around ;). Good presentation
@Emanicipated?: Oh yes I do know my way around the kitchen, the don't call me Chef Stunner-Yardie for nothing! lol!
@Melody: Thanks, maybe it's time you give it a try and let us know how it turns out.
@Jamaipanese: Thanks.
@Bobby: Thanks man. Presentation is everything, Bobby! My food has to pass the smeel, taste and of course sight test! Li love well arranged dishes with lots of colours.
@Deelze: Thanks, and I did enjoy every last bite!
@Jamaican Dawta: Thanks!
@Brotha Buck: LOL! We have to weigh our words carefully here in JA!
@Abeni: Thanks Kami, I hope to! :)
@Gishungwa: Thanks. Well Stunner is a man of manny tallents, so I know my way around many rooms, in more ways than one! ;)
Not bad. I'd actually pay to eat that. Hope it tastes as good as it looks.
meat ba... rounded meat looks good Stunner. Cooking up a storm. Seems you may be fighting a losing battle with the gym, cuz if yuh cooking and eating all that good food the gym workouts may have to become more intensive.
The rounded meat just needed a spinkling of cheese on top.....
The broccoli and the chicken looks great!.....I am surprised! (you sure is u cook it)
oh gosh stunner
that bbq chicken looks tasty
thanks for the pics. I need to go home and eat now.
@Leon: Thanks, it certainly did taste great!
@Scratchie : No it is actually working in favour of my body building efforts. I t you look at the dish again you will notice it's a very small amount of carbs, lots of veggies and a good portion of protein to build muscles.
@Marangand: I was thinking the same thing, but I forgot the cheese when I went to the supermarket. And yes I cooked it, every single thing! lol.
@GC: Thanks and I am glad you liked the pics.
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