Hail all my fellow bloggers! Let me just begin with this statement, "Damn you Air Jamaica, you owe me a day!!!" I guess this has set the tone and has given you an idea that miy flight was delayed. Yes it was certainly delayed. At about 12:30 pm when I was just about to get ready, I got an email followed by a call from an Air Jamaica rep, that my flight scheduled to depart at 5:30pm was delayed until 7:45 pm. Well ok at least they told me before I left home. So no biggy although I was a bit disappointed. Then at about 4:30 pm I got another email saying my flight was again delayed until 8:45 pm! Now I was a bit upset as now I will not be able to take any photos from my window seat! Anyway I went to the the airport at about 6:00pm and checked in without a hitch. Sat sown in the departure lounge killing my phone battery playing games to kill the time, as there was not interesting female to distract me from the pain of waiting. 8:45 at last and the announcements rings through the room that the flight is now ready for boarding! At last I was finally on my way!
Or so I thought! The plane taxied down the runway at about 9:30 pm and I was all excited that I was on my way to the Big City. But this was not to be as the engines started to fire up, they immediately started to slow down and an announcement came from the captain saying that they are seeing an engine valve indicator and they will be returning to to have the engine checked out by the engineers. Oh great another delay! So after about an hour of waiting the pilot announces that they are going to test the engine and if all is well we will be ready to go! Yeeahhh! At last we will be on our way! NY here I come! The engines fired up and started to run and we were again ready to go. NOT! The indicator was still coming on, which means we will not be ready, more checks will have to be done and this about some minutes past 10:00 pm! Poor Stunner was then again grounded for about another hour before the engines were finally fired up once more to the satisfaction on the pilot and the engineers. So Stunner was finally on his way to NY on his minutes past 11 flight. By the time I passed though immigration and customs the sun was coming up and another day had dawned.
So Air Jamaica robbed me one day of my visit to the big city! But one thing I'm happy for though is that I actually arrived and the flight was ok. As the saying goes, "better late than never"... I think that might just be the slogan for the airline. Stay tuned for my adventures while on my Vacation.
Model Trains = Fishtanks but cooler
[image: narita express train]
Having a model train set and a miniature railroad is so soothing. It’s kind
of like why people have fish tanks but cooler! T...
3 days ago
9 commented:
The joys of travel eh...at least it start with some excitement:)
Hey the begining of bliss, have fun after all that hope it can't get any worst.
better late than never is right. Or you could be getting some "final destination" vibes
I agree with Owen...As i was reading it i kept saying hey...dont complain (although trust me i understand) as it is better you arrive in one piece than in many pieces due to a failed engine at 30000ft....But after all that, aint nowhere to go but up...have fun!!!
safety first!
enjoy your vacation
Enjoy the vacation. Take lots of photos.
Well, glad to see that although delayed mightily, you made it to my hometown friend. Have a great time in the big city!
You'll get nothing and you'll like it!
Hi. Like traveling? Personally I do not like traveling by plane. It is rather dangerous and I feel sick in the plane. However, sometimes, I have to travel on business. And among all the airline companies I have had to deal with Air Jamaica is the most comfortable one. I did not happen to have a single problem with them. I happen to learn about the company on this great site www.pissedconsumer.com.
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