I have decided that this summer I should visit as much of the attractions this beautiful island of Jamaica has to offer. Why? Well I believe that as a citizen of Jamaica I should know as much of the island as I can, and since the counties landscape is so beautiful and diverse it would be wonderful to enjoy the many wonderful places scattered across the island. Also it would allow me the opportunity to revel in my new found hobby, photography due to the abundance of photo ops that would present themselves as I journey across the island! And last but not least, I will be totally finished with school in a couple of weeks when I do my final presentation and hand in the paper for my major project, so i need to relax and enjoy myself a bit.
This will not be an easy task despite the relative small size of the island, as I have a regular 9-5 job... well not exactly 9-5 as I work shift, so lets just stay at employed full-time and the escalating gas price. Nonetheless, I intend to explore the island during the course of the summer and visit some of the known well attractions that I have not been to like, Lover's Leap, YS Falls, Summerset Falls (yes I haven't been there although I'm from Portland), and also the almost unknown attractions hidden all over the island. So I have a lot of places to visit this summer.
I have already started the ball a rolling, yes nah hesitate at all! Last week Tuesday I loaded up my camera and my gas tank and headed up to the hills! I was on my way to Catstleton Gardens nestled in the mountains that extend to the parish of St. Mary. I have always driven past Castleton Gardens on my very frequent trips to Portland, but had never taken the timeout to stop and explore the park. So I made it my mission to go there and explore! It was nice, not a garden with a lot of flowers, but it certainly had a lot of greenery and lush vegetation all around. Castleton Gardens, is the kind of place that you would just go to relax on a Sunday afternoon with your family or friends and have a nice picnic. I enjoyed the time I spent there, even though I didn't do much more than walk around and take pictures. but it was relaxing nevertheless. There is a soup man on the road side right beside the parking area, him mek a wicked piece a soup deh, with chicken foot and corn! If you go to Castleton, make sure you buy a cup.
You must be wondering where are the picture? Well I have posted them on my photoblog, my World My Lens, and also here are the thumbnails below, you can click on them for the larger picture. I will be posting some more during the course of the week.
Where will I be heading next? I have no idea, but stay tuned for more in the Amazing Island Exploration of the Stunner!
Model Trains = Fishtanks but cooler
[image: narita express train]
Having a model train set and a miniature railroad is so soothing. It’s kind
of like why people have fish tanks but cooler! T...
3 weeks ago
17 commented:
Beautiful pics, and what a chore it must be to have to visit one of the most beautiful places in the world. Jamaica. Wish I could do the same this summer.
lol I need to get out go explore myself too.. its just the time is lacking :(
Is the Castleton river safe/clean enough to swim in?
Sigh If I lived on an island, I doubt I'd be able to keep a regular job, always hooking off work to go lie on the beach..can't wait for more pictures.
wow stunner
nice shots
looking forward to more
I think I'll try and challenge myself also to visit some of the local attractions here in new york. I mean, what a shame we don't visit certain places unless we have to take our out of town visitors there
I passed through Castleton Gardens many years ago. Almost forgot how beautiful it was. Thanks for sharing!
Hey! I have that exact same plan...when you decide to go on this exploration again...take me with you, pweeeeaaase! I'm serious!
No matter which way you go, there's always a beach!
Awww see? Why ya gotta show off mannn??? And don't think for a second I feel sorry for you. Taking time to take beautiful shots of your beautiful Jamaica. Poor you! -lol- nice pics though man.
Been to YS and been to Lover's leap..so there:)
Sounds like a great time.
bwoy, Stunner i just can't find the time to go hunting good shots. I will have to wait until this semester is out and I can spend some time driving around.
Hey make sure to wheel by French man's cove totally delightful
Thanks Brotha Buck, it's one chore that I enjoy :)
You should Adrian! It seems clean but I didn't see anywhere deep enough to swim.
LOL! Crankyputz sometimes I'm tempted to call in sick and make a country run.
Thanks GC, you should, that way you'll see many places that you din't even know existed and hardly have time to be bored!
You're welcome Leon.
Sure Nadyadee, just give me you digs and we can make a link!
Lol! I need to hit the beach too malnurtured snay!
LOL! Thanks Luke!
LOL! OK Kami, now you make me look bad as I have never been there and I live in Jamaica!
It was Justacoocat!
Don't worry Scratchie you will have plenty idle time to tour the island once the semester ends.
I went to frenchmans, earlier this year. Had a nice time.
I haven't been to YS or to Lover's Leap, but have been to Somerset Falls thought that was years ago. I need to go to all three myself. Hey, you have a lot of comments on your photo blog! How the heck do you promote it! Its like you are getting more comments there than on the blog too! Cool, man!
By the way, I need to stop in Castleton instead of just driving through too...
Yeah, I keep saying that I'm going to do that too, but damn, as Adrian says, it's the time that's limited. Now if we had a 3or4 day weekend now, I could do that easily. Still going to try this summer.
Well MB, I visit other photoblogs and look at their photos and leave my comments on their photos. That's all. YS and Lover's lep are next on my list.
You should Gela, life's too short for us not to enjoy all our counrty has to offer.
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