Drugs, crime, murder. It seems Jamaicans get blamed by everyone for a lot of things, but it's the latest crime that Jamaicans have to be punished for that really gets to me! "Acts of God", yes we the people of Jamaica are being blamed by the Jamaica Public Service Company (JPS) for the damages to their infrastructure by the hurricane Ivan last year September. And as such we now have to pay for the cost incurred by the JPS for the repairs they did to their own system!
The OUR, Office of Utilities Rip-offs...oh sorry, I mean the Office of Utilities Regulations, really sold us out and granted the JPS the special additional fee they requested with their rate increase to cover the cost of the repairs due to Ivan earlier this week. So now the hard working, underpaid, inflation ridden Jamaican people will have to pay an even higher light bill because the JPS thinks it's their fault Ivan came and damaged their property and as such should pay for the repairs.
This sparked outrage and a few Jamaicans took to the streets to let big bad monopoly JPS know how they feel. Of course most of us continues with our normal routines, after all what can we do? Stop using the light?
Well since JPS got the OUR to legalize an illegal act, they must have been happy and celebrating. Oh no, no,no,no my friend. The JPS had a press conference to express their disappointment and anger that the OUR did not grant them a larger fee! Can you imagine? Can a company be so heartless?
What will we blamed for next, Global Warming, Erratic weather conditions? Who will blame us next, Cable and Wireless, Digicel, The National Water Commission? When will poor people's suffering end? When?